UHF Racing Radios for Sale
2x Vertex VX- 354 (used for the car)
- comes with SMA to BNC adaptor for the car antenna
- Comes with 1 extra regular antenna (radio mounted)
- Comes with wall charger stand for each radio
- Comes with spring belt clip for each radio
4x Vertex VX-231
- Comes with antenna for each radio
- Comes with wall charger stand for each radio
- Comes with spring belt clip for each radio
2x “leash” to connect 2 of the radios to the car harness | Vertex to 5pin
2x “coil leash” to connect 2 of the radios to crew headsets | Vertex to 5pin
All antennas and leash interchangeable between all radios
Radios programmed to work all together, (although multiple selectable channels programmed into each)
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